Frequently Asked Questions

Parking FAQ

Credit Cards: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and Amex

校园停车指定由你所拥有的许可证类型决定. 皇冠体育停车场在皇冠体育停车场,教职员工停车场在教职员工停车场. 非许可证持有人和游客必须使用皇冠博彩每小时停车选项. These include: Passport Mobile Pay or payments via Pay Stations in hourly lots.

下午3:45后,皇冠体育停车场和小时停车场/车库免费停车.m. Monday through Friday and all day on the weekends.

Parking permits cost $90. Visitor parking is $2.50 an hour with a maximum of $12.50 per day.

Students may purchase their parking permits online or at any campus Parking Services office.

持有有效车管所签发的牌照或牌匾的车辆可以停在位于教职员的任何许可空间, student, 或每小时停车场,除了任何指定的残疾人士停车位校园.

访客/非许可证持有人可在每小时泊车位停车,每小时收费$2.50. 游客/非许可证持有人也可以使用皇冠博彩的每小时移动支付选项 Passport Mobile Pay to park in any student lot prior to 3:45 p.m. on weekdays.

客户可以上诉和/或支付停车罚单 online or in person at any campus Parking Services office. 上诉必须在发出传票后的15个日历日内提交. 请注意,所有被拒绝的上诉都需要支付10美元的处理费.

皇冠博彩必须通过停车许可证和收费来创造收入, maintain and manage parking lots and facilities. Virginia policy requires that parking services operate as an auxiliary enterprise; therefore, State funds cannot be used to construct, maintain or operate parking lots or garages.

You may contact 皇冠博彩 Parking Customer Support at 703.323.3123 or 有关泊车服务的更多资料,请浏览 our website. 所有六个校区都有一个停车服务办公室,有知识渊博的工作人员可以为您提供帮助.

您可以在网上增加和删除停车许可证上的车辆. If you are using a new vehicle temporarily, 请确保车辆通过您的停车帐户与许可证相关联,请访问 Parking Portal.

You may also email 从您的皇冠博彩电子邮件地址与车辆的车牌号码和状态, make, model, 还有颜色,我们就能帮你把车和许可证联系起来.

皇冠体育许可证退款请求必须在课程时间表中列出的公布的加/退(普查)日期内由皇冠博彩校园停车服务办公室收到.  If you are taking classes in multiple sessions, 提交许可证退款申请的截止日期为最早的人口普查日期. If a class was canceled, 退款申请必须在课程取消之日起三个工作日内提交给校园停车服务办公室.

所有员工都需要订购他们的教职员工许可证 online. 一旦许可证订单完成,您的虚拟许可证立即生效.


  • Fall - August 1 onwards
  • Spring - December 1 onwards
  • Summer - May 1 onwards


皇冠博彩不允许在任何校园内过夜停车. 如果您的车辆因学院事务或紧急情况需要过夜,请填写 Overnight Parking form.

如果您没有有效的皇冠博彩停车许可证,您可以发送电子邮件到 to request an Overnight Parking Pass.

皇冠体育和教职员工的许可证最多可以与三辆车相关联. 在校园停车之前,车辆必须正确地与您的许可证相关联. 在同一时间内,只有一辆与您的许可证相关联的车辆可以停放在任何皇冠博彩校园.

皇冠体育许可停车场停放的车辆必须在下午3:45之前持有有效许可证.m. Monday through Friday. All other lots (faculty/staff lots, reserved spaces, etc.) are enforced at all times.

每学期初,学院有一个停车宽限期. 在强制执行之前,皇冠体育可以免费在皇冠体育停车场停车. 请参阅校园标牌或停车网站主页上的重要日期部分,了解确切的执行日期. 一旦执法开始,没有皇冠体育许可证的车辆可以在下午3:45以后停车.m. 周一至周五以及周末任何时间,仅限皇冠体育场地.



Since there are a limited number of hourly parking spaces, 持有有效许可证的个人不得在计时停车场停车. 持有有效许可证的车辆将按小时被罚款.

辅助服务费支持持续维护, repair and improvements to the college’s infrastructure. 该费用作为学费的一部分向所有皇冠体育收取,并帮助支付皇冠体育使用的许多资源,即使他们不开车去学校, such as walkways, exterior lights, and safety improvements.

If you have any further questions, please contact us.

摩托车在校园里停放不需要停车许可证. Each campus also has designated motorcycle parking spaces.